Hi, I'm Linda Parmar

Financial Sobriety Expert

Certified Money Coach©

Financial Recoveryā„  Counsellor

Certified Professional Recovery Coach

She Recovers® Coach

Trauma of Money Facilitator

I help women transform their relationship with money and achieve financial sobriety.

Being addicted to spending money is something I know all too well. I don't remember a time in my life that I wasn't emotionally spending money until I started my financial recoveryā„ . 

I worked in the banking industry for over 20 years and was a Financial Advisor who was helping people with how to grow their money and I was stuck in a horrible cycle of patterns and behaviours that kept me so in debt, angry, sad, stressed and shameful. 

My relationship with alcohol ended on March 17, 2014. This was the best decision I have ever made for myself (oh and marrying my husband).

3 years into my sobriety I realized that my spending addiction was out of control. 

The feelings I used to numb with alcohol were now being numbed out with spending money. This is called addiction transference. 

I was having a conversation with my mentor and we were talking about the idea to be a money coach and a recovery coach. I told her this was a joke as I was a financial mess. What she said next changed my life - "sometimes you need to teach what you learn". 

I hired my own money coach and the transformation I experienced was mind blowing. I knew I needed to do this work and help support women in recovery so embarked on getting certified as a Money Coach, Professional Recovery Coach and She Recovers® Coach. 

My business has been my passion and have been a Certified Money Coach© who supports women in recovery since 2017. 

Every day I meet with women who are ready to change their money story. 

Money doesn't have to be heavy. I help break the cycles of overspending, wracking up debt and beating yourself up over it. 

I have walked this path and create a judgement free zone. 

I would love to support you on your journey to financial sobriety. You are so worth it!

Linda xo 


My Family ā¯¤ļø¸ 

I am a step mom to two amazing daughters Julia (28) and Emily (25) and loving wife to my husband Sunny. We live on Vancouver Island in Canada. 

I have two dogs who I am obsessed with, Bentley and our newest addition Bandit, and the cuddliest orange cat (the best cats as far as I'm concerned) named Bodhi.

I grew up in a small town of Lake Cowichan with my Mom (Cathy), my Dad (Tony) and my sister (Corie). We now live on the farm that used to be my grandparents when I was growing up. 

I acknowledge that I live and work on the land of the Stz'uminus First Nations. 

Random Facts!

  • My favourite band is Tegan and Sara and I have seen them live 60+ times! 
  • I'm obsessed with baby goats
  • I love hiking 
  • My happy place is anywhere by the ocean
  • My fave podcast is Armchair Expert and I have a massive crush on Dax Shepard
  • I'm celiac and would love to eat bread but it's not worth it
  • I am attempting to grow my own food again this year, fingers crossed. Last year was a hard one but this year my green thumb is starting to grow things! 

50% Complete

Two Step

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