Want to work with me?

 One-on-One Coaching

Sometimes group coaching isn't what feels right. 


Do you want to stop overspending?

Do you need someone to support you one-on-one instead of group coaching?

Do you make good money but have no idea where it goes?

Want to stop spending your paycheque before you get it?

Ready to stop relying on your credit cards because you are addictively spending money?



I have been EXACTLY where you are. 

When I got sober from alcohol in 2014 I transferred my addiction from alcohol to spending money. 

I was trying to buy happiness. 

Working as a Financial Advisor I was in a professional career, making money but I had no idea where my money was going. I was constantly using my credit cards thinking it was my money, pulling funds from my retirement accounts to pay off credit cards and using the equity in my house as a wallet.

I was stuck in an addictive behaviour of spending money I didn't have. 

The weight of shame, anger, embarrassment kept me stuck for years. The stress of it caused me to spend more money. 

So grateful that I had the opportunity to have one-on-one coaching. I would have NEVER been able to even think about sharing my truth with others. 

Now that I have been working my Financial Sobriety for 6 years I now recover out loud but that didn't feel possible. 

One-on-One Coaching gives you the tailored, individual, specific coaching that is all about what YOU need. 

In September 2022 my money story came full circle and I paid off all of my debt except my home. 

I have come up with proven successful steps to have a healthy relationship with money. I would love to support you to achieve Financial Sobriety. 

What will you achieve when you work with me?

  • Understand your addictive spending and release the heavy weight of the shame that is keeping you stuck in the overspending cycle.
  • Stop addictively spending money.
  • Make peace with your past financial decisions and feel hope and confidence with new spending habits.
  • Start feeling physically and mentally free of the obsession to buy happiness.
  • Understand the feelings, circumstances that you are trying to numb out with shopping. 
  • Create a spending plan and understand exactly what comes in and out of your accounts and make conscious & aligned decisions with your money.
  • Start paying off your debt while starting to save money. 
  • Connect with your money story and understand why you are stuck in overspending and create action steps to achieve Financial Sobriety. 
  • Go from being in survival mode with your money to THRIVING in your Financial Sobriety.
  • Feel excited and proud of what you are accomplishing with your money.


I was so deep in my shopping addiction and had no idea what to do but knew I need help.

Linda supported me through her process that has me finally trusting myself with my spending decisions.

If you are ready to change I highly recommend working with Linda one on one. I would never be where I am without her support.

Rebecca M.

I will support you as you walk the path of achieving Financial Sobriety.

With one-on-one coaching we will work together for a minimum of four months.

We will meet weekly for the first two months and every two weeks after that. 

You will have access to me when you are needing support, when you feel triggered, when you need a voice of reason. I will always be in your back pocket being your money hype girl! 

We will work through exactly what YOU need. Your success is my obsession when we work together!

Let's talk to make a plan for your Financial Sobriety. 

Book a free consultation HERE!

One Payment

$2,900 CAD

Four Months Coaching in one lump sum payment


6 Payments

$485 CAD /month

Four months coaching with 6 monthly payments

Let's do it!

8 Payments

$365 CAD /month

Four months coaching with 8 monthly payments

It's time!



Lesson 29 - Capitalism and Consumerism

Jun 18, 2024

Lesson 28 - My Financial Sobriety Routine

Jun 04, 2024

Lesson 27 - Sober Spending - Summer Edition

May 21, 2024

Lesson 26 - Saving money, even if you have debt

May 07, 2024

Financial Sobriety School Blog