Holiday Spending

Plan your spending and keep your holidays simple with this 10 step course. 

10 Video's and all the tools to help you walk through each step - SIMPLY!

The best gift you can give yourself this year. 

Planning your holidays and holiday spending.

 The holidays can be super complicated.

Let's change that this year.

Let's make it simple. 

Everything you need in ONE spot to support you in making this year different in how your holiday spending is going to go.  

This year I am offering a digital course to help support you during these harder times and have you possibly, maybe, actually enjoy the holidays?! 

The digital course is ready for you to start now, immediate access! 

Enjoy your holidays.

This digital course walks you through the 10 steps to planning your holiday season and holiday spending:

Step 1 : Set Expectations.

Step 2 : See how much you have to spend.

Step 3: Who do you have to buy for?

Step 4 : Practice Presence over Presents.

Step 5: Have Crucial Conversations.

Step 6: Determine Needs vs. Wants.

Step 7 : Plan shopping the sales.

Step 8: Build your holiday spending plan.

Step 9: Track your holiday spending.

Step 10: Free & inexpensive holiday ideas.

Holiday Spending

$37 CAD

Plan your holidays and holiday spending

  • Create spending plan specific for the holidays
  • Have access to spending plan and tracker made just for the holidays
  • Immediate access to the course after purchase
  • 10 Simple Steps to successful holiday spending and planning

All The Tools You Need To Have Happy Holidays (or as happy as they can be)

The holidays can be freaking hard and heartbreaking and money makes it even more stressful. 

I created this program to hopefully light a little spark in your heart during this hard season. 

We will make a plan to keep you from overspending and enjoying the time (as much as you can). 

Can't wait for you to dive into this course. It will be the biggest present you can give yourself.