It's time to release your money shame. 


How good would it feel to transform your relationship with money?



Hi.....I'm Linda


Raise your hand if you are ready to quiet that voice in your head that tells you that you can't be successful with money. 

I see a lot of raised hands.

That inner voice is really loud.

It tricks you into feeling shame, guilt, self loathing, or anger. 

"Why am I so bad with my money?"

You are not, it's just that you have never been taught how to deal with your money (and money issues).

This is why I created Shame Free Money.

It's a group coaching program that converts your money shame into a healthy relationship with money.

I help women in recovery with their relationship with money.

As my community of She Recovers® says "We are all recovering from something". 

I have been sober from alcohol for 7.5 years and counting! When I was into my recovery for two years it was obvious I needed to change my behaviours with money. 

Today I can proudly say that money is something that I appreciate and the lessons it has taught me in my recovery. 

Are you ready to start the transformation? 

I can't wait for you to join us!

~ Linda Parmar xo

Certified Money Coach©, Financial Recoveryā„  Counsellor,Certified Professional Recovery Coach, She Recovers ® Coach

Introducing Shame Free Money Group Coaching.


This is for women who have been struggling

for way too long with their money.


  • This program will help you shed the layers of what is keeping you stuck with your money.

  • Dig under the surface and release patterns and behaviours that are no longer serving you.

  • Start to feel excited about your money.

  • Create a spending plan to help you connect with your money.

  • Know that you are not alone and feel supported by a group of women who understand.

  • Start to feel hope in paying off your debt and make a plan to start saving.


May 2022

6 weeks

Starting May 16, 2022


6 LIVE Coaching calls on Mondays @ 5:00 PST/8:00 EST

 May 23 - June 20 


Shame does not belong in your bank account.


I am here to tell you it CAN be different. That is why I designed this course.


Here is what we will cover in the 6 week group coaching sessions. 


  • What feelings do you have with money?

    We will take a deep dive into what has kept you stuck with shame (and ALL the other feelings) surrounding money. It's time to start moving forward and transforming your relationship with money.
  • Say goodbye to shame (and all the other feelings that are no longer serving you).

    Releasing what doesn't work anymore helps you shed the layers of what is keeping you stuck. You and your relationship with money MATTER! You are granted the permission to feel inspired and excited about your financial future!
  • Define what you want to change with money and how to do it.

    It all starts with small but significant action steps to start change. We will get clear about what patterns and behaviours you want with money and come up with an action plan to get it done.
  • Determine long term goals.

    Hello goals! It is possible for you to have goals with your money. Together we will determine what goals to focus on right now to get you to where you want to be.
  • Start a spending plan, paying off debt and saving money.

    Transforming our relationship with money includes connecting with our money. What connecting with your money means is putting spending limits in place and tracking your spending to ensure you can start paying off your debt and YES to saving!
  • Know that you are NOT alone! So many women feel this way!

    Group coaching is so beautiful in that you will be with women who know exactly how you are feeling. The support of myself and the group will make it possible for you to CRUSH it! Women supporting women is an amazing thing! When women come together miracles happen.

One Payment

$447 CAD

Best Value

I'm SO ready!

3 Payments

$154 CAD per month

Most Popular

I'm SO ready!

"I feel a lightness around the topic of money that I’ve never felt before. It used to feel heavy, it doesn't anymore."

Marilyn - Group Coaching Spring 2020

Working with Linda gave me the tools to completely transform my relationship with money. Linda offers hope, and concrete steps to turn that hope into everyday reality.

MJ - Group Coaching Winter 2021

If looking at your money brings up “all the things”, I highly recommend Linda to support you on your financial recovery journey.

Carrie - Group Coaching Spring 2020

Feel excited about your money!


Through this six week transformation you will start to feel freedom, happiness, hope and YES excitement. We will dig under the surface with your relationship with money and create change. 

Weekly Live Calls


Once a week we will meet as a group and have a coaching session surrounding the weekly topic. The group will be smaller to keep it aligned to help support your individual money needs. 

Community Support


You will have access to a private Facebook group specifically for the Shame Free group where you will have access to myself and other group members to support you through your transformation in the six weeks.


One Payment

$447 CAD

Best Value

I'm SO ready!

3 Payments

154 CAD per month

Most Popular

I'm SO ready!